Grace is one of the promises of God for you

      God gives grace to help us in time of need. When Jesus came, He tore down the wall of partition between mankind and the Father. Jesus broke down the barrier between us and the greatness of heaven. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us (Ephesians 2:14).

      Remember that when you pray, you are before the throne of grace; so come boldly to the throne. The blood has made you so nigh that you can start to make a step here on earth.

     As God liveth, all His promises for your life will come through today in Jesus name. Your "going out and coming in" this week shall be of blessing  and you shall not involve in accident in Jesus name. The favour of God shall locate you today and the rest of your life in Jesus name. Wherever you go to, the grace of God shall follow you in Jesus name, amen.

    For more prayer update and prayer request click here to like this page, Prayer: God can do all things. For prayer request, you can also forward your prayer request to
Grace is one of the promises of God for you Grace is one of the promises of God for you Reviewed by Anonymous on 00:02:00 Rating: 5

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