How I Manage My Massive Boobs - Actress Saraphina (Hot Photos)

Nollywood seems to have found a new contender for the biggest boobs spot which has been over the years dominated by Cossy Orjiakor, her name is Saraphina Onyeakachi Amaechi.
Saraphina Onyeakachi Amaechi
Cossy Orjiakor has been termed as the Nollywood actress with the biggest boobs which is forever on display like goods in a shopping mall but recent developments have unveiled another superhot actress with explosive boobs named Saraphina Onyeakachi Amaechi.

Yeah, good old Cossy would, without much doubts, come to mind because her boobs are almost always out there for all to see. But on a location in Owerri recently, even Cossy took off her hat to another actress, conceding defeat. Of course it is Saraphina Onyeakachi Amaechi. More photosafter the cut....
“Yes, there was boobs competition which I won. But I must confess Saraphina is bigger than me. I only won the contest because she failed a question and I was the next best and more enlightened, so, I won,” says Cossy when asked what it was like going head to head with Saraphina.
Saraphina unlike Cossy hates to flaunts her boobs as she believes they are bold enough for the blind to feast eyes on. She spoke about how she manages her breasts in a recent interview with reporters.
  She said. “Many people think I flaunt my boobs but I don’t. Why would I want to flaunt these boobs, aren’t they obvious enough?"
“Check all Cossy’s pictures and that’s what we call flaunting. For me, I don’t flaunt them,” she stressed.
How I Manage My Massive Boobs - Actress Saraphina (Hot Photos) How I Manage My Massive Boobs - Actress Saraphina (Hot Photos) Reviewed by Unknown on 16:16:00 Rating: 5

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