9 Ways Guys Manipulate And Control Their Girlfriends

However, when it comes to being in a relationship, control should be
shared by both parties involved.
Are you dating a control freak?
Ladies, it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between a
controlling boyfriend and a boyfriend who just loves you so much that
he’d do anything to be with you. In the haze of love, we may sometimes
see controlling behavior as a sign of love. But if you see the following
red flags in your relationship with your guy, you’d better watch out,
as you may be dealing with a control freak.
1 Complaints, complaints, complaints. No one wants to be on the
receiving end of complaints. Do you constantly receive complaints from
your guy about everything from what you wear, who your friends are, what
you like to read or what you do at work? If he does, then he probably
already knows that when you get sick and tired of his complaints, you’ll
eventually change these things so he’d stop complaining to you.
Of course, at first, you may think that he’s just looking out for you.
But later on, you may realize that he’s complaining for selfish reasons,
and he’s just doing that to make you change. Sneaky, isn’t it?
2 Passive-aggressive. A thinly veiled insult, passive resistance,
deliberately not doing what you asked him to do. These are all common
examples of things your guy might do to manipulate you to do something
or to stop doing something.
Here’s an example of passive-aggressiveness that your guy might be
doing: You’ve been really excited about going over to eat dinner at your
parents’ house, and out of nowhere, you find your boyfriend to be
silently sulking around the house. After repeatedly asking him what’s
wrong, he finally tells you that he just wants to spend the night with
you and not have to deal with your family. So what do you do? You cancel
your plans and he gets his way by just being his sulky self.
3 Abuse. Abusive behavior in relationships can take many different
shapes, and one is no worse than the other. There is physical abuse,
emotional, verbal, economic, mental, and sexual. If you are dating a guy
who abuses you in any of these ways, it’s obvious he is controlling
you, and that you are in a very unhealthy, unstable, toxic relationship.
You should never be with a guy who makes you afraid or ashamed. If you
fear you are in an abusive relationship, it’s time to seek help and get
out of the relationship before things get worse.
4 Befriends friends. It’s great to be dating a guy that all of your
friends love and get along with. Who wouldn’t want that? But there are
different ways that you can tell if you are dating a guy who really just
likes your friends, or if he’s trying to get “in” with your friends, so
he can just keep tabs on you.
For example, despite having met your friends only a handful of times and
not really talking to them much, he’ll start adding them on Facebook.
At first, it may be a friendly gesture. But later on, you may notice
that whenever you go out with your friends, he wants to cross reference
what you told him with the pictures and posts that your friends share.
Talk about a stalker!
5 Dresses you. There are guys who are keen on giving you constructive
feedback on the clothes you wear. Some guys may not like it when you’re
wearing a revealing top, but only because he knows that you might get a
nip slip when you’re out dancing and partying. But the difference
between a guy who looks out for you and a controlling boyfriend is the
A guy who genuinely cares about you will gently remind you that a top
like that can easily have a wardrobe malfunction, and thus, he might
suggest wearing a jacket or a different top. A controlling boyfriend, on
the other hand, will adamantly insist that you change, leaving no room
for argument.
6 Isolation island. This one is a big one, and it involves the slow
removal of communicating with your friends, family and anyone in your
social circle, except him. For example, it can start out slowly. He
might mention that he doesn’t like one of your friends because she’s
trashy. Later on, he might pick a fight with you for still being friends
with her. After a while, you give in and sever ties with her, just so
your boyfriend won’t give you trouble.
Then, after he’s removed one friend, he starts bashing your family
members. He might start feeding you lies about how he thinks your family
members are just using you or relying on you too much. So you slowly
isolate yourself from them. Eventually, he’s removed you from hanging
out with anyone you love or care about, because “he just loves you so
much and wants the best for you.”
7 Makes you believe his jealously is just his way of caring.It’s great
to care about someone so much. When you’re in love, that’s what you do.
You care about the other person even more than yourself. But when
you’re in a healthy relationship, you don’t let your love for someone
consume you to the point of going into a jealous fit!
Your boyfriend might be controlling you through his jealousy, and
manipulating you to think that it’s just because he cares so much. If
you’ve ever heard something like “I’m sorry I got mad when I saw you
talking to that guy, it’s just because I care so much about you” then
you are probably dating a guy whose jealousy consumes him to the point
of putting a strain on your relationship.
8 Always wants to drive and pick you up.This one should be a huge red
flag. If you are dating a guy who never wants you to drive yourself
anywhere, beware. He might say something like he just wants to drive you
so that you don’t have to, which seems sweet on the surface.
But after a while, you realize he wants to take you and pick you up from
places, because he wants to know exactly where you’re going, with whom,
and how long you’ll be staying. This is fine if you’re the one who
insists that he do this for you. But when it comes to the point that he
shows up uninvited and insists that you come home with him ASAP, then
you’re looking at a guy who wants a vise grip on you.
9 Wants you to get pregnant. We’ve all heard of girls who get pregnant
to keep their relationship, or to “trap” a guy, and guess what, girls
aren’t the only ones who do this! Sometimes, guys will convince their
girl to have a baby as a way to be connected and in communication with
One factor that really contributes to this is if the guy is dating a
girl who is financially well off. By having her baby, she’ll also be
obligated to take care of the father of the kid, so the guy just mooches
off her until she figures out that he’s been freeloading for far too
9 Ways Guys Manipulate And Control Their Girlfriends
Reviewed by Unknown
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