8 Foods To Avoid That Will Makes You Have Body Odour

Some of You have been eating Foods That Makes You Have Body Odour without even paying much more attention to it. Sometimes regardless of how much you shower and how much deodorant you wear, you'll still stink because of your diet. 
The foods you eat can affect your body in other ways than weight and nutritional needs—they can also cause you to smell good or bad as your body metabolizes them. In particular, these eight Foods That Makes You Have Body.
 Odour can leave those around you turning up their noses in your presence… Read them Below: 
1. Coffee, There’s a reason why the term “coffee breath” is uttered with a wince—it leaves you kinda stinky. The caffeine in this obligatory morning brew stimulates the central nervous system, triggering the sweat glands to emit odor as you perspire. The high acidity of coffee also causes bacteria growth and bad breath as the inside of your mouth dries out. 2. Fiber-Rich Foods. We're told the more fiber (i.e., oats, quinoa, whole grains, nuts, vegetables and fruit with skin) in our diets the better for energy, regularity, and to satiate appetite. However, eating too many high fibrous foods (in excess of 5-grams) prior to strenuous activity can leave you sweaty, stinky, bloated, and flatulent as the large intestine digests and releases a buildup of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane gases.
3. Garlic. Garlic scares away more than just vampires! The reek can scare away your date as well when it emits from your pores due to the super quick breakdown of allicin into allin, a sulfur compound that’s released as strong sweat odor. However, the saving grace is that if you and your sweetie make a pact to dine on garlic together, you’ll likely never notice the stench. 
4. Cruciferous. Veggies Ironic that your children (and sometimes your spouse) turn their noses up at their broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Topping the list of most-despised vegetables, cruciferous cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts cause a barrage of rotten-egg smelling farts due to their ability to cleanse the body of carcinogens and toxins. 
5. Curry Spices. I love the exotic flavors of curry and cumin. However, despite the rich, delicious aromas that these spices create in masala and Indian dishes, they smell quite different after they permeate and linger in your pores, oftentimes for days. Once emitted (most likely when you sweat) the fragrance is far from pleasant. 
6. Onions. Onions are a vegetable that is hard to shake when it comes to the offensive odor they give off. The undeniably bold flavor of onions is due to the pungent oils they contain. When consumed, these oils absorb into your bloodstream, seep into your lungs, and are released via the breath. Unfortunately, the onion odor is even more unpleasant if you like to eat them raw. 
7. Asparagus. You’ve likely (although somewhat embarrassingly) smelled the effects of asparagus on your body—if you urinate shortly after eating the seasonal veggie. Sure, spring asparagus is delicious, but the aftereffects (aka: stinky urine) are caused by the digestive breakdown and emission of high sulfur compound, called mercaptan. If you’re one of the rare lucky ones who doesn’t experience offensive “asparagus pee” your body lacks the enzyme required to break down stinky mercaptan. 
8. Red Meat. We all know that red meat is difficult to digest, and difficult to digest means that foods linger and collect bacteria in the digestive system, which leads to foul perspiration and bad breath. But don’t take my word for it, when a 2006 research study from the Czech Republic compared the perspiration of vegetarian males vs. meat-eating males the results showed that meat-eaters had far vulgar body odor.
8 Foods To Avoid That Will Makes You Have Body Odour 8 Foods To Avoid That Will Makes You Have Body Odour Reviewed by Unknown on 03:52:00 Rating: 5

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