13 Things You Should Never do While on Your Period …
Men always think we’re too
emotional during that “time of the month”, so there are things you
should never do while on your period. Getting out of bed is hard enough
as it is, with our cramps and other hormonal issues.
If the opposite sex is right about how emotional we get, then there are
tons of things you should never do while on your period. Where to start…
If we venture into the kitchen, we run the risk of hurting someone. What
if one of our emotional attacks occur while we have a knife in hand?
We’re already used to the blood. What’s a little more? One of the things
you should never do while on your period is enter the kitchen, not even
for a snack.2. USE OUR PHONES
If we pick up our phones to play Candy Crush, we might end up calling
our ex. It’s an emotional time of the month, so how can we stand to be
alone? If we don’t call them and beg for them to return to us, then
we’ll curse them out. It’s not our fault, of course. When we’re on our
periods, all blame is placed elsewhere.
You only feel bloated because you’re on your period. Once the week is
over, you’ll be your sexy self again. There’s no need to exercise now,
especially since you don’t want to risk ruining your new workout
clothes. You should just save yourself the trouble of putting them
through the wash until the stains come out.
If you’re single, romantic comedies can make you miss dating. If you’re
in a relationship, they can make you miss being single. It’s a lose-lose
situation. Realize that the people on the screen will always have a
more exciting life than you, whether you’re single or not. And the only
reason that’s the case is because their life is fake. Real life is a lot
more boring.
Don’t believe all of the cliches you hear. You don’t have to stuff
yourself with chocolate, because you’re on your period. It’s not going
to make you feel any better. Eat a few candy bars, but don’t go crazy.
You’ll only be angry at yourself in the end.
If you start a fight with a friend, you’re going to say things that you
don’t mean, because like it or not, our hormones mess with us. Do you
really want to start an argument with your best friend about whether One
Direction is better than the Backstreet Boys? It’s not worth it. Just
let her have it her way, instead of making her black and blue.
Why even bother to get out of bed? You feel horrible, and no one wants
to deal with your emotional outbursts. Just stay in bed and sleep. Blog a
little. Don’t move from your spot for four or five days. Then you can
re-emerge like the beautiful butterfly you are.
You feel pretty yucky, but why waste your time standing in the shower?
Chances are you don’t even want to stand up straight anyway, so don’t
put yourself through the agony. You can, however, sit in warm bath, have
some wine and try to forget your troubles.
That pile of junk on the kitchen cabinet and the heap of clothes on your
bathroom floor aren’t going anywhere, so don’t make yourself miserable
trying to take care of things when you’re having your period. Just leave
the mess and crawl back into bed with a book or a movie. Attack that
mess when you feel more like yourself.
You don’t want to leave the house anyway, so that’ll make it easier to
avoid hitting the drive thru. All that fried food is only going to make
you feel worse, so give in to your cravings for something else. Eat a
candy bar or grab a mug of hot chocolate and skip the burger and fries.
11. RUN
Can you imagine? Running while you’re menstruating is probably one of
the worst ideas ever. It won’t feel good, and you’re bound to be bloated
anyway so burning extra calories won’t be all that beneficial. Don’t
run down the stairs, don’t run across the parking lot and never run
around the block on your period. Instead, shuffle slowly into the
kitchen for another candy bar.
Lying down feels so much better, so try to avoid sitting down at all.
Lie on the couch when you watch television, lie in the tub when
you must get clean and always lie down in your bed, for the whole day if
you can. Sitting and walking just doesn’t feel good when you’re on your
period, so why suffer?
There’s no reason to overtax your body and your brain once a month. If
you’ve got your period, skip anything that requires thinking too hard.
Sure, your fifth grader might have to do his math homework without you
and you might have to rely on your toddler to feed the pets, but you’ll
only feel worse if you make your brain hurt. Don’t worry, everyone will
get used to it.
In reality, you can do
anything on your period that you’d do during the rest of the month.
However, sometimes it seems like our best option is to just stay in and
sleep. Whatever you’re comfortable with, go for it!
13 Things You Should Never do While on Your Period …
Reviewed by Unknown
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