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HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Onion bulbs may be eaten raw to bring relief in cases of high blood pressure. Alternatively the onion bulb together with the skin may be simmered in a cup of already boiling water for ten minutes and allowed to cool. The skin is then removed and the onion eaten with the water. This offer great relief.

INSOMNIA: One of onion juice mixed with milk or honey taken at bed time induces sleep.

HEADACHE: This is a common problem and the cure is also very easy. Massage some onion juice on the forehead and the headache will disappear.

SEVERE HEADACHE: This is treated by pulping three or four onions which are generously salted and mixed with olive oil. The mixture is spread on a cloth and bound to the head. This has been reputed to relieve a headache in two hours.

ASTHMA: One quarter cup of onion juice, one tablespoonful of honey, one eight teaspoonful of black pepper. Onion juice, honey and black pepper mixed in the stated proportions and given to patient provide quick relief from asthma.

MOSQUITOES: In dry and in rainy season, lots of mosquitoes fly around the house. Cut two onions into two pieces each and hang around, all the mosquitoes will fly away.

POOR BLOOD CIRCULATION: Tea made from boiled onion skins is drunk to improve circulation especially in cases of gout.

SEXUAL IMPOTENCE (Erectile disorders): Onion is one of the most important aphrodisiac foods, second only to garlic. It increases libido and strengthens the reproductive organs. Peel off the white onion crush and fry in pure butte. This combination is an excellent aphrodisiac tonic if taken regularly with a spoon of honey on an empty stomach. However, the white variety of onion is more useful as aphrodisiac.

SINUSITIS (Inflammation of the sinuses): Onion is one of the most effective remedies for prevention and treatment of sinusitis. Half or whole onion is sliced and added to regular meals.

THROAT AND TONSILS: Onion juice mixed with ginger juice, black pepper and salt or ground onion with honey helps in controlling problems of throat and tonsils.

TOOTHACHE: According to the findings, a person consuming at least one raw onion every day after through mastication is protected from a host of teeth disorders. Chewing raw onion for three minutes kills all germs in the mouth. Toothache is assuaged by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.

URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS (Burning sensation in urine): Onions are highly beneficial in the treatment of urinary system disorders. For burning sensation in urine, six grams of onion should be removed from the fire when half the water has evaporated. Then, it should be strained, allowed to cool and given to the patient as a drink. This will relieve the burning sensation in urine.

URINARY SYSTEM DISORDERS (Retention of urine): Onion rubbed in water and mixed with 60 grams of sugar is useful in the cure of retention of urine. It will bring about free urination within a short time.

VOMITING: Mix onion jui, lemon juice and mint juice in equal measure. Drink this mixture, vomiting and related problems will be cured.

WOMEN'S BREASTS: Mix honey and pinch of turmeric powder with onion juice and rub this mixture over the breast before going to sleep. This will help to develop the breasts. This also helps to prevent the loosening of breasts.

COUGH: In cough and generally in cases of respiratory disorders, onion is a valuable remedy. Onion is finely chopped and the juice is extracted. One tablespoonful of the juice is mixed with one tablespoonful of honey and kept for four to five hours. This makes an excellent cough syrup and should be taken twice daily. Onion
juice mixed with ginger juice and honey acts as an expectorant.

COLD: Eating raw onion or applying onion juice on the fore head helps in controlling cold.

CORONARY HEART DISEASE: Onion is very valuable in the treatment of heart disease. Regular intake of onion maintains the normal blood circulation and helps to prevent heart disease. It helps in normalising blood cholesterol by lowering the 'bad' LDL cholesterol. One teaspoonful of raw onion juice taken first in the morning is beneficial in the treatment of such cases.

DIGESTION PROBLEMS: Eating raw onions aids digestion and rids the body of harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites.

DIABETES: Eating raw onions especially before food helps to lower sugar. The onion may be simmered for about ten minutes in already boiling water. It is then allowed to cool and the onion eaten together with the water.

HAEMORRHOIDS (Piles): Onions are very effective in bleeding piles. About 30 gm of onions should be finely ground on a slab with water and 60 gm of sugar added to it. This is taken twice daily. It brings relief within a few days.

CHOLERA: Onion is an effective remedy for cholera. About 30 grams of onion and seven black peppers ( Piper guinensis) should be finely pounded in a pestle and given to the affected person. This remedy allays thirst and restlessness and the patient feels better. It also lessens vomiting and diarrhea immediately. An addition of little sugar to the recipe will increase its effectiveness.

CALLUSES: To remove calluses, the onion bulb is cut in half, placed in a jar filled with strong wine vinegar and left to steep for about three hours. The onion halves are then securely bound to the calluses just before retiring at night and allowed to remain until morning. This method is repeated for several nights. Each morning the top layers of the calluses (which are softened) are removed.

BODY HEAT: If there is hot wind blowing while going out door, eating raw onion will help reduce body heat.

BOILS: Onions are mashed and the poultice applied on the boils to bring the boils to a head and give relief.

BEE STING: If honeybee sting , raw is rubbed on the affected part and it will disappear.
26 MEDICINAL USES OF ONION 26 MEDICINAL USES OF ONION Reviewed by Unknown on 13:24:00 Rating: 5

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