FG Withdraws Tambuwal's Security Details

Hon Waziri Tambuwal

Unconfirmed reports said on Thursday that the Presidency has issued a directive withdrawing the security details attached to Speaker, House of Representatives, Hon Waziri Tambuwal.

Tambuwal had formally defected to the opposition All Progressives Congress [APC] early this week raising a debate as to the propriety of his continuing to be the Speaker having abandoned the party under which he was elevated to that position.

He had been a long-standing member of the Peoples Democratic Party [PDP].
The ruling party and its top officials had individually and as a group demanded in various ways that Tambuwal resign his position as the Speaker House of Reps.

Source:  Thisday
FG Withdraws Tambuwal's Security Details FG Withdraws Tambuwal's Security Details Reviewed by Unknown on 09:37:00 Rating: 5

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